Question: Why do you count the pellets in a sample cartridge? |
Answer: This number is used to determine the true choke. It is the denominator in the true choke percent calculation. Counting the pellets in a sample greatly improves the choke measurements over simply using a standard count from a size/count chart. It is also very useful to see what the shot in your loads look like. Are they round? Are they about the right size? Does the count differ from the predictions of the charts?
Question: Doesn't it take a long time to count all of those pellets?? |
Answer: No. The computer does all of that for us.
Question: Can you make other measurements? |
Answer: Yes. The system can count in any size circle and also has several game size outlines that it can count for.There are also calculations available that can detect defects in barrels or chokes.
Lucky Weasel tm Patent Pending. Copyright (c) 2004 . All rights reserved. |